Thursday, June 30, 2011

Move Day!!!

Today started off great - The movers are very late, and none of my volunteer helpers were anywhere to be found. Two hours after the move was scheduled, they finally arrived (the movers. My friends never showed up) *sad face*. Nice looking East African guys (i think, they spoke French) the movers were.... anyway, the move was on. 

A funny thing happened though: as I watched all my stuff disappear from my home of three years, I panicked and tweeted
"I DONT WANT TO GOOOOOOOO!!! I DOOOONT WANT TO GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! :'(((((" 
...and two minutes later, I got a call that my movers were stuck in the elevator with all my stuff. Talk about the power of the tongue/tweet 0_o ....anyway, they finally got everything downstairs and loaded up in the truck. Let me tell you, next time you consider moving your own stuff, don't. Get movers, you will not need to lift a finger except to wave goodbye when they leave. It really helps if one of your nice friends is paying too....umm, yeah moving on...

After they left (they forgot my broom in the elevator) I hopped in the shower, grabbed my stuff, gave a mushy speech on twitter and hopped on a bus to meet them in New York City.

PS. They offered me a ride to new york with them in the moving fan, No thanks! ☺☺

I took the China Bus to NYC because I wanted a fuss-less trip. Again, big mistake. Thanks to the 4th of July holiday traffic to New York was bumper to bumper the entire way. Add to the fact that my bus made a stop in Philadelphia and always managed to be on the slowest lane, my 4-hr trip turned out to be an 8-hr nightmare. I got to my apartment... MY Apartment... checked out that the movers delivered 28 items and linked up with friends to grab dinner and crash.Tomorrow I will see my family, and my little sister who turns 7 today. Happy Birthday Demi!

I'm taking bets on how long it will take to unpack my stuff and arrange the apartment. I say 3 days. What do you think?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Just random really

This is my last week in the District. And it is bittersweet.
I cannot wait to be in New York (finally) and I am dreading it as well. I find myself worrying about the details, wondering how to decorate the place, what to do in September, etc. One thing is sure though, good or bad, it will not be boring...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Musings

I'm writing this at 3am instead of getting some sleep because Femi asked me for an update....
Between Graduation (May 14) and today, I have been to New York City three times. And as much as I love the city and love to travel, my body has reacted pretty violently to the torture. Now I'm back in the District for one last uninterrupted stretch (hopefully), 3 weeks of stability before I move on to new york and shake things up again. I'm staying with a friend, because my old lease ended and because there was no point finding a new place for 30 days only... But that's half of the reason.

I think that, in a way, deep down, I'm here because I want the company. It is easy for me to get lost in my head and enjoy my own company so much that I shut the rest of the world out. And now that I will be living on my own in a few weeks I feel a little weird, like I am going somewhere far away that no one will be able to find me. I don't know if this makes much sense...

I voiced these fears to a friend (my personal unpaid shrink) the other day, and he thinks I need a boyfriend. Haaaaa, long story. Good night. :)